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Why you should travel

Even though every trip can be an adventure, here at the Transit Traveler, we believe traveling on transit is one of the best ways to explore the world around us.

Traveling opens doors, expands your horizons, and provides opportunities for making memories that will last a lifetime.

What is transit?

1. The act of passing through or across

2. The act or method of carrying things from one place to another

3. Local transportation of people in public vehicles

Transit is all about getting you to your next amazing adventure. Whether on a plane, a bus, a train, a boat, a bicycle, your own two feet, or something else, transit is an important aspect of every incredible experience.

Sometimes the journey really can be just as exciting as the destination. Where will you explore next?

Photo by Matt Bero on Unsplash

Travel Tips

Ready to explore the world? Click here for some tips to help you along the journey!

My Adventures

Read all about my recent adventures, then go on an adventure of your own!

Travel Guides

Looking for travel inspiration? Questions about a specific location? Find everything you need here!

Flight Memory

Check out this cool map made on the website of everywhere I’ve flown!

A Little About Me

Hi! I’m Taylor. I’m currently a student at the Georgia Institute of Technology studying Civil Engineering.

I love to travel, and I’m super passionate about different forms of transportation. From air to rail, on land or on sea, I’m fascinated by the different modes available to explore our beautiful planet.

I’ve found that “how” we travel, whether that be during our daily commutes or on grand adventures, not just what we’ll do when we “get there,” is a part of the process most people don’t want to think much about.

But when you really think about it, modern transportation is incredible. Its breathtaking. Its awe-inspiring. It allows us to explore places we never would have been able to without it.

But yes, sometimes it can also be frustrating, confusing, and even a little nerve-racking.

On this blog I hope to show how traveling on transit can be a amazing adventure, giving you ideas for ways to use transit in your travels, tips and tricks on how to best navigate the streets, skies, and rails, and a few stories from my own experiences.

Where will you travel next?

Featured Destinations

So many places to visit, so many ways to get there. Where will you travel next?

Photo by Jack Monnig

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Photo by Alejandro Luengo on Unsplash

San Diego, California